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File List  |  1994-02-08  |  25KB  |  335 lines

  1. Filename       Size      Date    Description of File Contents
  2. ============ ========  ========  ============================================
  3. 2READ.ARJ       13763  08-21-93  Read is a small, simple-minded text file
  4.                                | pgm that will load an ASCII file and pop it
  5.                                | up on the screen allowing you to scroll up
  6.                                | and down from beginning to end and then exit
  7.                                | with a touch of the {Esc} key
  8.                                | Files: 5  07-24-93...07-27-93  New: 5
  10.                                | Fonts for WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS.
  11. ABZ.ARJ         53504  07-29-93  Full-Featured Easy Word Processor With
  12.                                | 101-Key Support, Swap Screens, Online Help,
  13.                                | Printer Macros, Much More. In 43 k; Runs
  14.                                | Under Procomm. Includes Text-Reformatting
  15.                                | Utility. Replaces Zscript. 
  16. ADDCOL.ARJ      12206  10-04-93  ADDCOL- Free DOS utility: adds a column of
  17.                                | numbers in a text file v1.00, 7/14/93. (c)
  18.                                | 1993 by David Daniel Anderson - Reign Ware.
  19.                                | ADDCOL simply adds a column of numbers in a
  20.                                | text file. W/ PASCAL source.
  21. AM2032.ARJ     314083  11-06-93  ╔╗╔╗╔╗ AutoMessage 2.0 32Column ╔╗╔╗╔╗
  22.                                | ╝╚╝╚╝╚═╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧═╧╧╧═╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧═╝╚╝╚╝╚
  23.                                | 32-Column Version of AutoMessage 2.0!!
  24.                                | Professional graphical messages. Has 4
  25.                                | fonts, optional password protection, a
  26.                                | QuickShow feature, and some bug fixes.
  27.                                | Registered version lets you show GIF &
  28.                                | PCX files, has background music, a DOS
  29.                                | message player, text to message maker.
  30.                                | A Shareware Express President's Pick!!
  31. ASAVITV2.ARJ    20189  01-08-94  ASAVIT v2.0: very small, powerful TSR utility
  32.                                | whose intended purpose is to automatically
  33.                                | save your work when using any kind of editor
  34.                                | or word processor that does not have a
  35.                                | builtin "timed" auto save feature; 12/16/93;
  36. AUROR120.ARJ   418616  01-19-94  AURORA v1.20! - advanced high performance
  37.                                | text editor with superb windowing, full mouse
  38.                                | support, a huge 1 Gigabyte virtual memory
  39.                                | using XMS/EMS/disk, an object oriented macro
  40.                                | language, multi instance programmable file
  41.                                | manager, unlimited undo/redo, a 386 version,
  42.                                | user definable menus, keyboard, and toolbar,
  43.                                | text folding, binary edit, 16k line length,
  44.                                | shrinks to 1.2k, file scan, and much more!
  45.                                | New in v1.20: text translation as-you-type.
  46.                                | Files: 16  Oldest: 1/14/94  Newest: 1/14/94
  47. BBC10.ARJ       81297  10-11-93  Browse Bound Control by Delta Soft Inc. A VB3
  48.                                | custom control that can be used in
  49.                                | conjunction with the standard Data control to
  50.                                | browse any RecordSet. There are full
  51.                                | "on-the-spot" editing facilities with data
  52.                                | pre- and post-validation. You can freeze
  53.                                | colums at the left edge, set column and
  54.                                | header text alignment, and set special
  55.                                | colouring for any column. On-line help and
  56.                                | examples are included. SHAREWARE.
  57. BOXER600.ARJ   333127  01-11-94  BOXER Text Editor v6.0 - Top Rated!   <ASP>
  58.                                | v6.0 adds 75 New Features & Options: Point &
  59.                                | Click mouse support in menus, locate differ-
  60.                                | ences automatically in similar files, greatly
  61.                                | enhanced keyboard RECONFIG utility, Replace
  62.                                | Again, improved File Menu & much, much more.
  63.                                | Still: Colour Syntax Highlighting, Undo/Redo,
  64.                                | multi-files & windows, mouse support, column
  65.                                | marking, WP, macros, S&R, compilation, more!
  66.                                | <ASP> Shareware $35-50 from David R. Hamel
  67. BSPLIT.ARJ      47714  08-23-93  BSPLIT splits any large binary or ASCII file
  68.                                | into any number.
  69.                                | Last revision date in archive: 05-04-1993.
  70. CE318.ARJ       26871  01-20-94  CMEDITOR v3.18 <ASP> - Small, agile text
  71.                                | editor able to edit large files. Packed with
  72.                                | features including search/replace, block
  73.                                | move, delete, copy and print, modest mouse
  74.                                | support, 43/50-line VGA display. Inexpensive
  75.                                | shareware from NoVaSoft.
  76. CMEDT317.ARJ    25886  08-24-93  CMEditor, version 3.16, is a small, fast text
  77.                                | line editor able to edit or view large files
  78.                                | with long lines.  Features easy mnemonic
  79.                                | command structure, block move/copy/delete/
  80.                                | output-to-file/print operators, text search/
  81.                                | replace/global-replace, more.  Standalone
  82.                                | version of editor imbedded in CMFiler.
  83.                                | Requires 91k free conventional memory, MS-DOS
  84.                                | v.2 or better.
  85. CROATIAN.ARJ   309947  01-10-94  Word Translator Croatian Edition - is a
  86.                                | pop-up English-Croatian-English translator
  87.                                | and dictionary. 
  88. DYMENU1.ARJ    249168  10-19-93  Dynamic-menu-system- inc. Editor & screen
  89.                                | saver.
  90. ENHNCE60.ARJ    49160  08-04-93  Another list of WordPerfect 6.0 enhancements
  91.                                | over WP 5.1
  92. ENVED.ARJ       20666  12-21-93  Make on the fly changes to your environment
  93.                                | variables with EnvED, a word processor full
  94.                                | screen editor.  You can alter your path or
  95.                                | use the DOS SET command to add more.  All the
  96.                                | current variables appear on the screen & you
  97.                                | can edit them using cursor keys.
  98.                                | Files: 2  Oldest: 12/17/93  Newest: 12/17/93
  99. EZ_DEX11.ARJ    29984  12-01-93  EZ-DEX v1.1 <ASP> - Automatically types names
  100.                                | and addresses into running word processors,
  101.                                | or other text oriented programs, upon user
  102.                                | command.EZ-DEX also prints labels and dials!
  103.                                | For IBM-PC and compatibles, 10K TSR, DOS 3.
  104.                                | Files: 12  11-05-93...11-05-93  New: 12
  105. FOLDPCW.ARJ    101841  09-27-93  The Folder System with Maillist 4.0 for
  106.                                | PCWrite and PCWLite (Elbee Enterprizes; $30)
  107.                                | lets you assign descriptions to PCWrite and
  108.                                | PCWrite Lite files so that you do not have to
  109.                                | try to determine from the eight-character
  110.                                | file name what the file contains.
  111. GCATWPW1.ARJ   108643  08-18-93  GRAPHCAT  1.0  for  WordPerfect  5.2/WINDOWS
  112.                                | <ASP> $10.00 A package of  macros  that  can
  113.                                | create  pictorial  catalogs  of  clip art in
  114.                                | WordPerfect  for  Windows.    All   graphics
  115.                                | formats readable by  WP/WIN can be  read  by
  116.                                | Graphcat,  and   set  up  in  columns  as  a
  117.                                | pictorial  catalog.  Also  creates  mergable
  118.                                | listings of graphics file names.
  119.                                | _______NEW RELEASE for WP/Win 5.2 only______
  120.                                | Also  available  for  WP/DOS 5.1 as GCATWP21
  121. HEXEDIT.ARJ     46426  11-17-93  Hex Editor-great program-good for editing and
  122.                                | altering files.
  123.                                | Last revision date in archive: 11-14-1993.
  124. JSPEL202.ARJ   219496  01-28-94  jspell 2.02c, ASCII file spell checker
  125.                                | Release date: Jan.12, 1994
  126.                                | Features:  Mouse support,  Undo up to 400
  127.                                | steps, Dictionary manager, Multiple user
  128.                                | dictionaries, File specific dictionary,
  129.                                | Fast and intelligent suggestion for nearly
  130.                                | misspelled words, Network support, Foreign
  131.                                | character support, Versatile and user
  132.                                | configurable TeX-ability, On-line help.
  133.                                | Shareware $12.5/$27 + shipping
  134. JSPICK10.ARJ    40295  11-02-93  JSPICK 1.0 (Johnathan Mark Smith;$10) 
  135.                                | simplifies the task of checking 
  136.                                | ASCII files for duplicate keys.
  137. PBPOST.ARJ      20051  12-06-93  Pen and Brush Net for Writers & Artists
  138.                                | P&BNet is a fast-growing network for writers
  139.                                | and artists. We feature direct feeds from
  140.                                | publishers and news items from galleries. We
  141.                                | are using regular.QWK packets AND Postlink to
  142.                                | satisfy all network participation
  143.                                | requirements.
  144.                                | Last revision date in archive: 11-27-1993.
  145. PCO.ARJ        115761  12-11-93  Text based Outline processor. Sort of like
  146.                                | Xywrite... FAST and feature rich but not a
  147.                                | very fancy interface. Runs circles though
  148.                                | around everything else if you really use
  149.                                | outlines for organizing ideas like I do.
  150.                                | Files: 41  Oldest: 12/15/86  Newest: 11/14/93
  151. PCPROF17.ARJ   347590  11-22-93  PC-Proof is a professional quality grammar
  152.                                | checker.  It can detect complex errors like
  153.                                | dropped words, extra words, words that have
  154.                                | been misspelled into another word,
  155.                                | subject/verb agreement, misused articles,
  156.                                | passive voice, and more!  Compatible with
  157.                                | WordPerfect, Word, WinWord, ProWrite,
  158.                                | PC-Write, WordStar and others.  This is not
  159.                                | another feeble style or readability checker,
  160.                                | PC-Proof knows English!  Mouse support (ASP)
  161. PCW41A.ARJ     311609  08-06-93  PC-Write 4.10 great WP by Quicksoft <ASP> 1/5
  162.                                | Docs,support,thesaurus $69, WizKit+$30, +ship
  163.                                | Full-featured, adaptable, easy menus, fast!
  164.                                | 1/5 main disk: edit,install,customize,merge
  165.                                | Easy: pull-down menus, help in context, mouse
  166.                                |   support, button bar, hint lines, tutorial.
  167.                                | Power: speller, mail merge, windows, columns,
  168.                                |   layout, graphics, index, endnotes, more.
  169.                                | Adaptable: feature levels, key/button macros,
  170.                                |   200+ options on menus; have it your way!
  171. PCW41B.ARJ     357738  08-06-93  PC-Write 4.10 great WP by Quicksoft <ASP> 2/5
  172.                                | Docs,support,thesaurus $69, WizKit+$30, +ship
  173.                                | Full-featured, adaptable, easy menus, fast!
  174.                                | 2/5 help,tutor,spell,graphics,windows,more!
  175.                                | Easy: pull-down menus, help in context, mouse
  176.                                |   support, button bar, hint lines, tutorial.
  177.                                | Power: speller, mail merge, windows, columns,
  178.                                |   layout, graphics, index, endnotes, more.
  179.                                | Adaptable: feature levels, key/button macros,
  180.                                |   200+ options on menus; have it your way!
  181. PCW41C.ARJ     339579  08-06-93  PC-Write 4.10 great WP by Quicksoft <ASP> 3/5
  182.                                | Docs,support,thesaurus $69, WizKit+$30, +ship
  183.                                | Full-featured, adaptable, easy menus, fast!
  184.                                | 3/5 1000+ printer drivers; columns,justify
  185.                                | Easy: pull-down menus, help in context, mouse
  186.                                |   support, button bar, hint lines, tutorial.
  187.                                | Power: speller, mail merge, windows, columns,
  188.                                |   layout, graphics, index, endnotes, more.
  189.                                | Adaptable: feature levels, key/button macros,
  190.                                |   200+ options on menus; have it your way!
  191. PCW41D.ARJ     357367  08-06-93  PC-Write 4.10 great WP by Quicksoft <ASP> 4/5
  192.                                | Docs,support,thesaurus $69, WizKit+$30, +ship
  193.                                | Full-featured, adaptable, easy menus, fast!
  194.                                | 4/5 Convert WordPerfect,DCA; PCX,TIF,GCM,PIC
  195.                                | Easy: pull-down menus, help in context, mouse
  196.                                |   support, button bar, hint lines, tutorial.
  197.                                | Power: speller, mail merge, windows, columns,
  198.                                |   layout, graphics, index, endnotes, more.
  199.                                | Adaptable: feature levels, key/button macros,
  200.                                |   200+ options on menus; have it your way!
  201. PCW41E.ARJ     342448  08-06-93  PC-Write 4.10 great WP by Quicksoft <ASP> 3/3
  202.                                | Docs,support,thesaurus $69, WizKit+$30, +ship
  203.                                | Full-featured, adaptable, easy menus, fast!
  204.                                | 3/3 Graphics drivers, shareware clip art
  205.                                | Easy: pull-down menus, help in context, mouse
  206.                                |   support, button bar, hint lines, tutorial.
  207.                                | Power: speller, mail merge, windows, columns,
  208.                                |   layout, graphics, index, endnotes, more.
  209.                                | Adaptable: feature levels, key/button macros,
  210.                                |   200+ options on menus; have it your way!
  211. PDT_26.ARJ     243919  11-06-93  PDT 2.6 The ultimate 2-gig file editor!
  212.                                | * PDT is an enormously powerful program!
  213.                                |   It's data-file editing features are NOT
  214.                                |   available in any other program.
  215.                                | * View or edit ANY file: dBase, data files,
  216.                                |   EBCDIC, executable -- ANY file up to 2
  217.                                |   gigabytes in size (or 4 files at once)!
  218.                                | * PDT automatically formats dBase "DBF"
  219.                                |   and other fixed-length data files into
  220.                                |   logical rows and columns.  Easy editing!
  221. PETPE403.ARJ   287407  01-21-94  pE - The "perfect" Editor v4.03 <ASP> - Can
  222.                                | convert all major Word Processing formats to
  223.                                | ASCII. Search for text ANYWHERE on your hard
  224.                                | drive, CD-ROM, or Network Drive, and load up
  225.                                | to 40 files containing search text for edit
  226.                                | or view at one time. NOW with better than
  227.                                | ever enhanced MACRO capapility.  Help system
  228.                                | totally rewritten, updated. Shareware version
  229.                                | can use all lower 640K, Professional version
  230.                                | can address all the memory in your system.
  231. PSEDT32A.ARJ    65744  08-25-93  PSEDIT v3∙2A: formerly called BEDIT,
  232.                                | easy-touse full screen editor for binary (or
  233.                                | text) files; file is displayed in
  234.                                | side-by-side hex/ ASCII dump format & you can
  235.                                | edit either side; simple typeover editing and
  236.                                | searching in hex/ ASCII; insert/delete bytes
  237.                                | or blocks; EMS & B/W support w/cut, paste,
  238.                                | copy, fill; 07/29/93; Gary C∙ Crider/Parity
  239.                                | Solutions∙ Last revision date in archive:
  240.                                | 07-29-1993∙
  241. RAP12.ARJ       25491  09-16-93  Rap v1.2 -
  242.                                | Shareware "word wrap" utility program used
  243.                                | to reformat text files into specific line
  244.                                | widths without splitting up words across
  245.                                | lines. Also useful for removing all line
  246.                                | breaks within paragraphs for importing to
  247.                                | word processor programs. New feature
  248.                                | allows word wrapping on indented paragraphs.
  249.                                | Registration $9.95.
  250. SHOWV20.ARJ     22393  09-17-93  Convert Text to Electronic Magazine, Very
  251.                                | Easy to Use, Learn in Two Minutes. Has Many
  252.                                | Features Only Found in Bigger Programs. V2.0.
  253. SIGNWR42.ARJ   290485  12-01-93  SignWriter v4.2: Sign-language word processor
  254.                                | Word processor for writing signed languages,
  255.                                | displayed in Sign Writing, a graphical
  256.                                | alphabet which can write the signed languages
  257.                                | of the world. W/1300+ASL signs dictionary
  258.                                | Reqs 640K memory; CGA, EGA or VGA. Supports
  259.                                | Epson, Hewlett-Packard, Postscript printers.
  260.                                | Files: 23  01-26-93...11-17-93  New: 23
  261. SIMDOC21.ARJ   137382  11-24-93  Simply Docs 2.1<ASP> Convert ASCII text files
  262.                                | into EXE/TSR format.  Turn README into RUNME!
  263.                                | Use it for program manuals, electronic books,
  264.                                | catalogs, newsletters, etc.  Features easy to
  265.                                | use viewer, search function, handles extended
  266.                                | characters and color, auto scrolling, custom
  267.                                | colors, bookmarks, hypertext jumps, print a
  268.                                | range of pages, print on ANY printer, margins
  269.                                | swap to EMS/Disk, 43/50 line mode. Shareware
  270.                                | by Robert Pitcher. Special Sysop offer inside
  271. SLEEK4.ARJ      13483  10-23-93  SLEEK V4.0  File reformatter/word wrap.
  272.                                | Sleek will remove all EOLS within paragraphs
  273.                                | ( CR/LF ) Also gives you the option to word-
  274.                                | wrap from the 10th-60000th column.
  275.                                | Great for wysiwyg WWs and DTP.
  276.                                | <ASP> Shareware. Command line driven.
  277.                                | Register Sleek on Cis. Go SWREG, ID: 814
  278.                                | Featured in Compute's 7-93 mag/PC disk.
  279.                                | *NEW* delete leading space option.
  280. STARWL_6.ARJ  1441390  12-25-93  STARWRITER 6.0
  281.                                | SAA Graphical User Interface.
  282.                                | Icon bar with mouse operated icons.
  283.                                | Ribbon Bar.
  284.                                | Pull down menus and dialogue boxes.
  285.                                | Wordstar compatiable CTRL codes.
  286.                                | On-line help, multiple widows.
  287.                                | Document manager.
  288.                                | Integrated File Manager.
  289.                                | Full text retrieval, Logbook.
  290. SURE11_A.ARJ   209405  08-24-93  SUREFIRE Text Editor / Word Processor
  291.                                | incorporates the features of a database and
  292.                                | a spreadsheet.     Part 1 of 2.
  293. SURE11_B.ARJ   148781  08-24-93  SUREFIRE Text Editor / Word Processor
  294.                                |                    Part 2 of 2.
  295. TTS11.ARJ      341043  01-06-94  THELMA'S SPELLPLUS v1.1 <ASP> - Finds
  296.                                | spelling errors, uncapitalized names, long
  297.                                | sentences, padding, doubled, offensive words.
  298.                                | More words than Sharespell. 1000s of names
  299.                                | and trademarks. Reads ASCII, WordPerfect and
  300.                                | other files. Shows problems in context. Gives
  301.                                | spelling replacements. Provides both full
  302.                                | editor and automatic correction. Re-checks
  303.                                | changes! Can add words to dictionary. Fast,
  304.                                | user-friendly. $9.00 registration.
  305.                                | Files: 3  Oldest: 10/20/93  Newest: 12/19/93
  306. VDE171A.ARJ    142603  11-24-93  Visual Display Editor v 1.71 a very good text
  307.                                | editor.  Better than DOS editor.  Great for
  308.                                | editing config files and batch files.  Has
  309.                                | support to read wordstar and several other
  310.                                | word processors.
  311.                                | Files: 11  Oldest: 4/30/93  Newest: 11/2/93
  312. VIM.ARJ        172457  08-25-93  PC DOS clone of the powerful Unix VI editor∙
  313.                                | Last revision date in archive: 04-14-1993∙
  314. WITS.ARJ        13965  11-06-93  WORDPERFECT TEACHER & STUDENT SYSTEM
  315. WP60MINI.ARJ   309077  09-11-93  Word Perfect v6.0 Mini Manual by E. Jones.
  316.                                | Last revision date in archive: 08-25-1993.
  317. WSMART.ARJ      30202  01-08-94  WordSmart V1.3 File re-formatter/word wrap.
  318.                                | Can remove all EOLS within paragraphs (CR/LF)
  319.                                | Change Word-wrap. Add left and right margins.
  320.                                | Use to compress or expand line length. MORE
  321.                                | Great for WYSIWYG WWs and DTP Fast <ASP>
  322.                                | Files: 9  12-21-92...01-01-94  New: 6
  323.                                | Uploaded by: Kerry Pierce
  324. XE_V40.ARJ      50020  12-20-93  HeXEdit v4.0: Display/edit binary files in
  325.                                | HEX & ASCII. Free.
  326.                                | Last revision date in archive: 12-09-1993.
  327. ZPLR300.ARJ    326504  10-23-93  Zpeller  3.00  <ASP>  Spelling  &  Vocabulary
  328.                                | Teacher. Handles up to 19  students,  student
  329.                                | enters  correct  spelling & defintions for up
  330.                                | to 32000 words.  Performs 7  different  types
  331.                                | of   tests,   and  tracks  wrong  answer  for
  332.                                | immediate retest.  Also has test battery  for
  333.                                | problem  words  that  are  constantly missed.
  334.                                | From Unicorn Software Limited